
Thank Your School Nurse

This is School Nurses Week, and there’s no better time to take time to appreciate our school nurses. According to the National Association of School Nurses, the work of these amazing professionals helps improve student attendance and academics, keeps teachers healthy and schools up to par.

Let’s make their jobs a little easier by helping to prevent end of school year colds. What can we do? Make sure our kids have good basic hygiene know-how, like washing their hands properly and thoroughly, teach them to cover their cough and refrain from sending them to school when they could be contagious and get others sick.

School nurses help our families by:

  • Reducing the number of school days missed due to asthma, the leading cause of school absenteeism
  • Managing students with chronic conditions such as diabetes and seizures to allow them to stay in class
  • Identifying and treating accidents and injuries
  • Counseling students about physical and emotional issues

Be sure to thank your school nurse this week!


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