Have you used task cards? The idea is to put each task on a different card and then go through them to determine who does a task currently or who should be put in charge of a particular task. We’ve seen this come up as a way to find a...
How to Teach Your Kids to Clean Up Their Rooms (and why)
Once your kids are old enough (about 6 or 7), there’s no reason not to teach them how to clean their rooms! We’ve found it’s also great to let your inquiring minds know why it’s a good idea to clean up. Hint: keep germs at bay, helps their stuff last...
Clean and Happy New Year’s Resolution Keeping
If you’re one of the many people who’ve resolved to keep their homes clean and happy in the New Year, you’ve come to the right place for some easy tips for keeping your personal promise. According to our most recent National Cleaning Survey, we spend about six hours per week...