
Spring Cleaning a Dorm Room

Coming back from spring break is often the start of a mad dash to finals and summer. Taking some time now to spring clean your dorm room can put you in a better studying environment when you get back. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Declutter First
Spend some time putting things away to clear surfaces for cleaning. Minimizing clutter can not only lower stress, but it can also reduce dust, a common asthma and allergy trigger.

Include Laundry and Dishes
If you aren’t bringing laundry home, don’t forget to do a load before you leave, making sure to fold and put away (or pack) clothes. And make sure any dishes are clean and put away. Having clean clothes and dishes will be a good way to start the last stretch of the school year.

Clean Out the Fridge
No one wants to get back from vacation and find an unexpected science experiment. Be sure to clean out and wipe down your fridge before you leave.

For an extra bonus, a sash of lavender or plug-in scent diffuser can help create a space you’ll be happy to return to.

Looking for more tips on cleaning in college? Our Class of Clean toolkit has more resources on dorm cleaning, laundry and more.


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