
Safe and Clean Mask Care Reminders

If you’re like many of us, you’ve become a pro at masking up before heading out. It’s a good habit to be in because it’s likely we’ll need to wear masks for months more to come. But are you caring for those masks correctly? Here are a few tips:

  • Don’t reuse a disposable face mask. If you are planning to reuse face coverings, opt for the cloth kind.
  • Store face coverings in a bag. In a plastic bag if it’s wet and dirty and a paper bag if it isn’t.
  • Wash your mask when it gets dirty, or at least daily. You can wash in the washing machine or by hand and then dry in a warm or hot dryer or hang in direct sunlight until fully dry.
  • Check masks for wear and tear. If they are stretched out or fraying, it’s time to replace them.

Are you following proper mask care to be #safeandcleanathome or on the go? Get more tips on cloth face coverings and more in our COVID-19 FAQ.


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