
Planning for Poison Prevention

Poison control centers across the country are no strangers to calls of children eating things that are not edible. From batteries to medicine, the average household has things that can be a danger to those who don’t know what not to ingest. Cleaning products are among these everyday items that can be a potential hazard without proper precaution.

It’s Poison Prevention Week and that means it’s the perfect time to take a look at your routines and update them with safety in mind. Here are some tips for doing that when it comes to cleaning products:

Use Safely

  • Schedule routine cleaning with kids in mind. Choose times when small children aren’t around or when they’re napping.
  • Read and follow product label directions. Don’t mix products – harmful gases can be released.
  • Never remove product labels. The precautions, first-aid instructions and ingredients will be important if there’s an emergency.
  • Take out only the amount of cleaning product needed. Put the rest away, so nothing’s left out to tempt curious toddlers or pets.

Store Safely

  • Lock products up. This location should be away from children, pets or food.
  • Store products in their original containers. If you put products in food or beverage containers, someone might eat or drink them by mistake.
  • Close container caps securely. Products with more potential hazard, such as some oven or drain cleaners, come with child-resistant packaging. However, unintentional poisonings can still occur if the package isn’t closed properly.

Dispose Safely

  • Carefully dispose of empty cleaning containers. To protect children, pets and garbage handlers, replace caps first, then discard in a sealed recycling bin or garbage container.

For more about poison prevention or if you think someone has been poisoned from medicine or a household chemical, call the Poison Control Center’s nationwide toll-free hotline at: 1-800-222-1222.


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