
Keep Triggers at Bay on World Asthma Day

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping…and, unfortunately, springtime allergens and asthma triggers have come out to play, too. Our windows are open, and we’re spending more time outside which means that pollen (that dogs and cats can track in, too) is making its way inside our homes. One of the easiest ways to reduce asthma and allergy flare-ups from all kinds of triggers – including dust mites, pet dander, mildew, and bugs – is to … you guessed it – clean ‘em up!

So, on World Asthma Day, take a moment to read and follow these simple tips for making your home healthier for allergy/asthma sufferers in your household. And, share them with someone in your life who’ll benefit from a healthier home.

  • When you dust, sweep or use cleaning products that might trigger allergies or asthma, make sure that the sufferer is out of the room. And, when you use spray products, spray the cleaner on a cloth or sponge first instead of on the surface.
  • Spot check areas where pollen can build up like around window sills, on rugs and on outdoor furniture.
  • Please (yes, please) read and follow label directions on cleaning product packages. They give the proper amount of product to use, how to use the product and safety advice.
  • Ventilate areas where you are cleaning – open a door or a window or turn on a fan. Leave the room when you are done cleaning and allow the room to air out.


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