
It’s House Buying Season! Is Your Home Ready?

Are you putting your house on the market this season? Now’s the time to get it ready for sale. A clean, bright home will attract more buyers, leading to more offers.

Here are some tips for getting your house ready for an open house.

  1. Clear out the clutter! You want your home to look spacious, neat and clean for potential buyers. Many people can’t see through clutter to the house’s potential and will walk away. Start by purging the house of everything that you don’t need and won’t be taking with you.
  2. Clean the house. Focus your attention on the rooms that get the most traffic: kitchen, living room, dining room and bathrooms. Look objectively at the house: what will a potential buyer notice first? Then clean each room top to bottom, left to right.Make sure you’re using the right products: abrasive products are good for extra cleaning power on some hard to remove stains and soils, but liquid and gel cleaners may be less coarse and better on countertops and other surfaces. Spray cleaners work well on small areas such as countertops, while powders or liquids mixed in a bucket are best for larger surfaces like floors and walls. Be sure to use a non-rinse product on the floor to avoid a cloudy look.
  3. Focus on mold and mildew in bathrooms. Buyers will be on the lookout for mold, so use liquid household bleach or cleaners containing bleach to remove mildew stains from areas like shower stalls, shower curtains and grout. Use a non-streaking glass cleaner on shower doors and mirrors, and remove water spots from faucets. Don’t forget to clean the entire toilet including the lid, tank top and base.
  4. Wash windows, vacuum carpets and dust throughout the house with a dusting tool that helps trap and removes dust.
  5. Clean fingerprints off of walls with a non-abrasive, all-purpose cleaner after testing a small section of the wall first.

You’re ready!


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