
Home Safety Tips from Physician Assistants

It’s #PoisonPreventionWeek and a good time to take another look at the important issue of home safety. Health care professionals know how fast accidents can happen in the home, especially with little kids. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the PA Foundation to help spread the word about home safety. Here are some of the helpful tips Lauren Dobbs, a mom and practicing physician assistant, shared a little while back with DFW Child:

  • Store all medicines, vitamins, batteries, cleaning products and liquid laundry packets up high, out of reach and out of sight. From the garage to the laundry room, the best place to store fertilizers, medicines or liquid laundry packets is in an overhead cabinet secured with a child safety lock. If you don’t have a cabinet available, place the products (in the original packaging) into a larger bin with other laundry and household products and put it up high where those at risk won’t be able to see it.
  • Immediately transport your laundry packets and cleaners from the store to their safe storage place in your home. When purchasing laundry packets and other household cleaners, have them bagged separately and then put them away – up high and out of sight and out of reach – as soon as you get home and unpack your groceries.
  • Always keep cleaning products in their original container with labels intact. These containers are designed to be child resistant and, in case of an emergency, have the ingredients and poison control information clearly displayed on the label.

We agree that these are great tips to help keep your loved ones safe! For more safe storage tips, visit


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