
Cleaning for a Healthy World Now and Later

This spring, our world turned upside down. Seemingly overnight, cleaning products became even more essential and, in many cases, hard to find. From the very factory floors making these products to homes and businesses, communities all around the country are using cleaning products to help keep their spaces clean and safe. In response, cleaning product companies have ramped up production and are working hard to both support your needs as well as those of their employees. Companies have put in place additional safety measures to protect their workers and donated millions of liters of hand sanitizers and disinfectants to health care workers and first-responders to keep communities safe.

The COVID-19 pandemic is not over and more challenges will lie ahead. 2020 has brought into sharp focus the importance of collective action when addressing worldwide concerns and systemic issues. We have an opportunity to come back stronger, more resilient and more sustainable. Learn about how the cleaning products industry is working to meet your needs today while also planning for tomorrow.

Together, we can improve the health and quality of life of people and protect the planet. We can build a future that is meaningful, vibrant, equitable and sustainable for all.


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