
Cleaning Crash Course for College

You won’t find it listed in the curriculum guide, but a class on Independence 101 would have to include a crash course on cleaning.

Among the mountain of care packages sure to reach college campuses this fall, a cleaning care kit is the perfect gift to help your favorite college student make the grade! Start with easy-to-use cleaning products and tools to take the intimidation out of the task.

Dodge Dorm Room Dirt

College students will give high marks to products that are fast and easy to use.

  • Disposable wipes will help keep the dust bunny brigade under control. Pre-moistened disinfectant wipes are also great for wiping down frequently touched surfaces like light switches and doorknobs.
  • Dry, electrostatic wipes or clean microfiber cloths are perfect for cleaning hard surfaces, including wood, tile, and (carefully wiping down) electronics.
  • Fabric refreshers neutralize odors (think of late-night pizza) on soft surfaces, such as carpets, bedspreads, and curtains.

To really make the grade, include a copy of the updated Class of Clean toolkit. It has tips and guides for cleaning everything from a dorm room to off-campus housing. This latest version also includes the cleaning information that college students told us they wish they knew when they started school.


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