
Dealing With Hard Water Stains

If you’re cleaning and still seeing cloudy spots on your glassware, you probably have hard water. What you’re seeing is some film residue caused by the hard-water minerals that has remained after the water has evaporated. And it isn’t just an aesthetic concern. That residue can build up in other...

Stocking the Clean Dozen

As we head into the time of year for spring cleaning, it’s a good time to check your cleaning supplies. For effective cleaning, make sure products are within their use by date and you restock anything running low. Whether you’re establishing a new household or getting your existing one in...

How to Use a Degreaser

For many messes, an all-purpose cleaner will do. Sometimes you just need some extra cleaning power to help cut through the grease and those burnt-on messes. That’s where degreasers come in handy, especially in the kitchen. You can use degreasers on most surfaces, like food preparation areas, oven hoods, pots...

Getting Odors Out of Clothes

Most of the time, doing a load of laundry can make your clothes looking better and smelling better, too. But sometimes the odor doesn’t all come out. Here’s how to eliminate those tough clothing odors: Allow sweaty clothes to dry. If clothes are dry before they hit the hamper, it...

How to Clean Key Spots in the Home

The kitchen and bathroom top the list of key rooms to clean in the home. That’s why they were the focus of a panel discussion during the third annual Discover Cleaning Summit, hosted by Good Housekeeping and the American Cleaning Institute. Why should these rooms be at the top of...

Expert Advice on Cleaning Dishes

Thanksgiving is almost here and it’s a time of family, togetherness…and dishes. Fortunately, technology has come a long way and your dishwasher may be capable of more than you realize. To help you get through that pile of plates in the most efficient way possible, we’ve brought in experts to...

School Lunch Stain Guide

November 3 is #NationalSandwichDay. The sandwich is a lunch box staple, so this “holiday” serves as a great reminder for how to get out the stain’s kids bring home with them. A good place to start is with the basics of stain removal: Deal with it as early as possible....

Babysitters and Cleaning

Do you expect the babysitter to clean? It’s a good question. After all, it isn’t their primary role. Ensuring safety is the most important duty of any babysitter. However, cleaning does play a role in keeping kids safe and healthy. So, what should you do? Finding the balance comes down...

Baby’s Clothes Cleaning

Whether you’re a first-time parent or you’re welcoming another baby into your home, it’s important to wash your baby’s clothes properly. September is #BabySafetyMonth, which is a great reminder for parents to brush up on laundry best practices to help ensure the health and safety of your baby. Follow the...

Things You Can Clean in the Dishwasher

Your cleaning appliances may be more versatile than you realize. It can be a quick way to clean things without hand washing or having them tumble around in the washing machine. When cleaning things other than dishes, you generally want to use the top rack, which will keep it away...