Have you heard of cleanfluencers? Oftentimes, these are the cleaning wizards you can see on social media giving you the latest cleaning tips and tricks. Sometimes they’re other moms and dads sharing how they deal with cleaning the house and what they’ve learned in the process. Check out what a...
“Healthy Schools, Healthy People” Website: Resources for Parents, School Staff and Kids
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) unveiled a new website for the Healthy Schools, Healthy People program. The new website features resources for educators, school nurses, administrators, parents and students. The redesign also includes interactive games, a newsletter, webinar program and dedicated social media. The Healthy Schools, Healthy People program is...
Safe and Clean Spring Cleaning
It’s spring cleaning season again! During National Cleaning Week, we celebrate everyone who will organize, sweep, vacuum, dust, disinfect or otherwise clean their homes. A recent survey found that 90% of Americans take part in spring cleaning. Still home because of the pandemic? Join the trend and roll up your...
Social Justice and the Cleaning Product Supply Chain
Tomorrow is the World Day of Social Justice, dedicated to the effort to ensure fair outcomes for all. It’s a cause the cleaning product supply chain supports as part of an industry-wide sustainability goal to contribute positively to our shared future. In this endeavor, we must all lead from where...
After the Party: Cleaning and Disinfecting
December has traditionally brought holiday gatherings and year-end celebrations, but this has been a year like no other. COVID-19 has us rethinking the usual plans. Some get-togethers can be done virtually. For others there is no substitute for a small gathering of family and friends. If you are participating in...