
Keeping Play Areas Clean and Safe

Small children are like mini-germ factories. They put everything from fingers to toys in their mouths, germs spreading to everything they touch or sneeze on. Keeping kids and their surroundings clean and safe is a constant challenge. And, where there are lots of children, including classrooms and childcare settings, the challenge is even greater, especially in the fall as we enter cold and flu season. We’re covering tips for keeping these play spaces safe and clean.

Set a Safe Routine

  • Set a cleaning routine when children are not around.
  • Post a checklist of the frequently

Safe and Convenient

  • Always keep safety, as well as convenience, in mind.
  • Consider purchasing smaller, refillable containers of the same product, so that the label with directions and safety information is always on hand.
  • Check refillable containers regularly; discard if the label becomes unreadable.
  • NEVER repackage a product in a different or unlabeled container.

Store Safely

  • Keep all cleaning supplies out of the reach of children.
  • Be sure each storage area includes safety information.
  • The U.S. Poison Control Center’s toll-free hotline is 1-800-222-1222. Post it prominently and program it into your phone.

For more information about cleaning childcare area, check out the C Is for Clean toolkit, now available in both English and Spanish.



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